icon top 01Accreditation and certificates

IAF-Radioökologie GmbH has been accredited according to ISO/IEC 17025:2018. The scope of our accreditation is flexible in categories 1, 2, and 3, i.e., we are allowed to incorporate new, updated and modified testing methods developed by us into our scope. Download the list of the flexible scope (in German only) 

DAkkS Akkreditierung für Prüflabor IAF Radioökologie

The scope of our accreditation also comprises the determination of in-situ parameters such as radon concentrations in ambient air, ambient gamma dose rate, and surface contamination. Our scope also includes radioactivity testing of building materials according to DIN ISO 17216:2018-12 and DIN SPEC 18208:2018-12, and determination of radon tightness equivalent to ISO 11665-13.

Certificates and approvals:

  • Body for radon measurements according to Art. 155 of the German Radiation Protection Ordinance, approved by the Federal Office for Radiation Protection
  • Expert Organisation according to Art. 172 (1) of the German Radiation Protection Act for NORM workplaces, approved by the Saxon Ministry for Environment and Agriculture. Dr. Christian Kunze and Dipl.-Ing. (BA) René Baumert are the certified experts.
  • Test laboratory for drinking water according to Art. 15 (4) of the German Drinking Water Ordinance, approved by the Saxon Ministry for Social Affairs and Consumer Protection.
  • Several management and staff members are certified sample-takers for drinking water, waste (PN 98) and hold certificates of SCC (Document 017), ADR class 7 licence, nuclear security clearance certificates, and others.

Download our accreditation certificate (English version)